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CC Collect

A platform where consumers and businesses can pay import duties and VAT


Our customer approached us with the challenge of creating a platform that would help consumers and businesses pay import duties and VAT if a shipper had underpaid. However, the task was not simple: we had to help the customer understand the complexities of customs clearance, payment of duties and taxes, and ensure the safety of the goods in transit.

Ease of use was the main factor in developing the app since it would be used by people of all ages and with varying technical skills. We understood that the app needed to be intuitive and easily accessible to each user to provide the best user experience.

We focused on developing a user-friendly and functional interface and user data security, an important aspect of customs. It was also important to consider the specifics of customs operations and ensure that the platform complied with legislation and government


To solve our customer's problem, Invatechs proposed creating an innovative platform to help the customer navigate the complexities of customs clearance, paying duties and taxes, and keeping the goods in transit. As a basic functionality, the ability to pay import duties and VAT was added if the shipper paid an insufficient amount.

The main advantage of the developed solution is its ease of use. To make a payment, the user only needs to upload documents related to customs clearance, after which the system automatically calculates the required amount of taxes and duties and offers to pay it.

In addition, the developers of Invatechs have provided a high degree of security when working with the platform. To protect user data, they use modern encryption technology and apply measures to prevent unauthorized access to information.

One of the main features of the developed platform is its flexibility and adaptability. The Invatechs solution can be easily integrated with various customer systems, ensuring convenient and efficient service use.

Technologies & tools


Our company started working on this project in 2019, and after detailed discussions and agreements, we were actively engaged in its development. We used the Scrum methodology to manage the project, where our specialists regularly held sprints and meetings to discuss the work done and plan future implementation phases. To maintain effective communication with the client, we used Slack messenger, and the Jira tool was used to distribute and control tasks among project participants.

The platform development process began with the creation of MVP, which allowed us to test the main functionalities of the application and determine what improvements and revisions were necessary for a more effective solution.

During the MVP development stage, key requirements for the platform were identified, such as ease of use, quick access to information on import duties and VAT, and the ability to pay safely and quickly. Considering these requirements, our specialists developed a full-fledged software solution with more sophisticated features and capabilities. This included integrating various payment systems for user convenience and improving the user interface for easier navigation on the platform.

After the basic features were completed, the application underwent a testing phase. All platform functionality was tested, and possible bugs and flaws were identified and corrected, ensuring the high quality of the product.

After completing testing and making all necessary modifications, the application was ready to launch and provide users with payment of import duties and VAT with maximum convenience and efficiency.


Project duration


The results of Invatechs specialists' work on the project made it possible to create a convenient and reliable platform for paying import duties and VAT. The iOS and Android app was designed with ease of use, making it easy for people with varying technical skills to pay the required amounts.

The results of Invatechs specialists' work were also noted in the industry. The project was shortlisted for the eCommerce Awards for Excellence and nominated "Best Innovation in eCommerce Payment." This confirms the high appreciation of the innovative solutions implemented in the project.

The customer was satisfied with the work of Invatechs specialists. He also noted that Invatechs specialists showed high responsibility and professionalism in their work, which was very important for the successful implementation of the project.

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